The Edison Tech Center’s aim is to encourage young people to consider engineering as a career, while illuminating the incredible past of electrical technology.
The Universe of Instrumentation Project is one of several multimedia projects done in partnership with the IEEE and other foundations. In this project we shed light on the history of engineering’s most valuable tools and present the tools in a logical order that starts with the basics and eventually leads to all categories of instruments.
This project is modeled after our successful Lighting Program which was the first project to do a web-based comprehensive investigation of the inventors and developments of all forms of electric light both new and old.
Unique Content:
Both the Universe of Instrumentation and the Lighting Program have involved working with some of the best engineers on the planet. We use papers, photos and other material submitted to us by the original pioneers of the technology in conjunction with standard references. We strive to tell the story of the development of key inventions. We have increased the public consciousness of the actual history by digging for quality media on figures who had unfortunately fell into obscurity despite developing world-changing devices.
International Impact of our Programs:
The result of our efforts to focus on technology and make it understandable to the non-engineer have helped us reach mainstream content creators. From Forbes Magazine to theĀ History Channel our written material, photos and videos have influenced documentary makers and writers.
Our material is targeted at young people and industry professionals. Our unique diagrams, stock video and diagrams are licensed to entities on several continents. Professors and teachers use our material every day.
Unit 1 of 4!
The Universe of Instrumentation project has just begun with us setting the foundation of all instruments by covering the Ammeter, Voltmeter and Digital Multimeter. We look forward to building more onto the series soon in later units!